Z laboratórnej vzorky k výsledku analýzy: Táto séria webinárov od spoločností RETSCH, CEM a Agilent pokrýva kompletnú analýzu prvkov.
Praktický webinár poskytuje komplexný prehľad o možnostiach mechanického spracovania tuhých látok, mikrovlnného trávenia a následnej analýzy.
RETSCH: Umenie mletie
Online seminár sa zameriava na dôležitosť prípravy vzoriek pre následnú analýzu a popisuje spôsoby eliminácie potenciálnych zdrojov chýb. Dostanete užitočné tipy pre výber optimálneho drviča alebo mlynčeka a najvhodnejšieho príslušenstva. Rovnako bude vysvetlený význam správneho nastavenia parametrov.
CEM: Microwave Analysis Technique.
In this presentation, we will introduce modern, simple, safe and time-saving methods for everyday laboratory work. The trade fair novelty of Analytica 2022 - the new microwave digestion device Blade - for fast microwave digestion will be presented as well as the automated solvent extraction within minutes, the fast muffle furnace for loss on ignition and sulfated ash contents as well as drying, fast fat analysis and fast measurement of protein content.
After about 40 min of lecture, live in the blade within 5 minutes in the online demo will show how fast and easy with the most modern microwave digestion equipment in the world the samples are digested. Then there is also enough time to answer questions.
AGILENT: Automation in elemental analysis
The competitiveness and profitability of companies and institutions is often related to their level of automation. Based on a large number of feedbacks from our customers as well as an in-depth survey, the need for an automatic sample feeder and dilution system from a single source was underlined. Both ICP-OES and ICP-MS benefit from the new accessory, which is easy to use and program and can be installed by the user.
In addition to the usual updates on regulations such as the updated Drinking Water Ordinance EU2184 with new limit values, find out everything about the next milestone in elemental analysis. As a leading technology company, this level of automation is only available from Agilent as a complete ‘all-in-one vendor’ solution.
The Advanced Dilution System ADS-2 will be presented in the practical part via live demo!
Dátum : 29. Apríl 2025
09:00 - 10:00 CEST
Jazyk : Nemecky
Dátum : 29. Apríl 2025
11:00 - 12:30 CEST
Jazyk : Nemecky
Gernot Hudin, Serap Leise, Jörg Hansmann
Dátum : 29. Apríl 2025
13:00 - 14:30 CEST
Jazyk : Nemecky